Friday, June 27, 2008

**Another huiwenology.

Something Keat Hong said yesterday makes me think. There goes another huiwenology.

**huiwenology: A golden hill is a heart shape itself when you turn it upside down.

money = love *$_$* *blink*

Did you see LOVE shape??


Hahaha its just another huiwenology, doesn't mean that I'm like that ok?!

I'm not!!


I saw Michelle today.

I saw Grace today.

I saw Shu Yi and Wai Foong today.

I saw Yew Chuan, Han Xian, Kok Jet, Wei Zhe, Sheow Pin, Keat Hong, Yit Tze, Kay Hong, Zheng Wei, Chan Yan, Wen Chuan, and Yin Yien today.

I wanna list down your names one by one. Don't want to miss out any of you.

It has been almost 2 years since we left CHS. I thought I will be the fastest person to get used to my new environment, or at least the easiest one, but I'm wrong.

I haven't get used to it until now.

How can I live without Michelle?
How can I live without Grace?
How can I live without s5?
I hate changes in life. And life keep changing. I find it so hard to open up to new people now. New room, for new people, this is what I put in my msn captions last time. I wanna always remind myself of that.
But it's never easy.
Now I have close friends in UCSI.
Vivienne, Siew Fong, (dunno where I should put this, Im putting it here because its beside Boon Lay*blink* *Jia huan*) , Boon Lay, Dickson, and Wen Min.
But when life changes again, you expect me to live without them? Again?
How can I?

Sheow Pin's cake slipped to the table when she's holding it to take picture!! I want to thank the waiter from Chili's for still taking the photo when everyone's face is so shock like this!

Happy birthday Sheow Pin. Happy birthday Su Yi! I din forget bout you!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Chinese vs. Malaysian

Received a funny email last Saturday.

Its in chinese. And sorry lar this is hard to translate.

Chinese vs. Malaysian

中国人 :今晚你有空吗?我没空!
马来西亚华人 :今晚你得不得空?我不得空!

中国人 :饼干受潮了…。
马来西亚华人 :饼干'漏风'了…。

中国人 :从上海去苏州要多少个小时?

中国人 :难道他不可以来吗?

中国人 :周杰伦不喜欢穿内裤。

中国人 :我一向都是这样的

中国人 :我的手机掉进沟渠了。

中国人 :这样你不是很不值得吗?
马来西亚华人:这样你'马'很不 '歹'?

中国人 :你真是聪明!
马来西亚华人:你真是pan nai!(源自马来语pandai,聪明的意思)

中国人 :你安静!
马来西亚华人:你diam diam!(源自马来语diam,安静的意思)

中国人 :我要去银行取款。

中国人 :为什么?

中国人 :你很强~

中国人 :明天也叫他一起去吧!

中国人 :我很郁闷~~~

中国人 :你再说我就打你!

中国人 :你在说什么?

中国人 :你不要令我丢脸~

中国人 :真被你气到…。

中国人 :你别乱来~

中国人 :你很无聊

中国人 :XX你

中国人 :迫切
马来西亚华人:bek chek

中国人 :我们一起吃这碗面~

中国人 :我们结婚吧!

中国人 :今天的天气很热~

中国人 :哇!

中国人 :我受不了他!

Monday, June 16, 2008


**huiwenology: You don't measure love with beauty, measure beauty with love.

If you don't understand this, you will never do.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Love Story

Probably the sweetest couple i have ever seen.

I havent really seen both of them together, and I don't really know their love story. But they are just soo sweeet~ together. I see the magic words in both of them! HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!
Joey is always pretty. And her bf is cute too! hehez...
Visit their website and you will feel the same!
Wish both of you happy always!!